Entertainment is a business of relationships and so serving a purpose in the marketplace, delivering strong deeper journalism-marketing interviews from which those with writing, publishing and filmmaking careers and others may benefit is Authors' Curtilage goal. After all, helping others in this creative profession is the cornerstone of all effective sales and marketing.
Though featuring artwork, literary quotes, and personal messages on the blog, the most part of the Authors’ Curtilage Blog is committed to creating professional marketing interviews that offers exposure, a boost of sales on the first time and published authors' books - keeping readers up-to-date with the latest publications. A blog is a perfect place for every reader. The Authors’ interviews have something for everyone from all genres. And to make the blog unlimited platform for all writers, I interview screenwriters as well, filmmakers
to reveal what goes into the creative process of films and TV”. Editors and publisher are not left out of this.
Authors' Curtilage founded by Darmie Orem (Damilola Ogunremi) promises to connect authors and their books with the promotional blog with their potential readers and make them have the good sales they deserve. At Authors' Curtilage, you can expect the highest level of attention to detail.
With screenwriting, film and journalism background, Damilola Ogunremi is a highly motivated professional committed to getting the word out there about your book, intellectual projects in general, organizing your author interview, and facilitating your virtual tour, etc.
In addition to her professional backgrounds, Damilola Ogunremi is a passionate reader and professional interviewer that will give your book the journalistic interview it needs to grasp the potential readers at first glance. The Darmie Orem Blog is a well-read blog of its kind and will be used to promote every Authors' Curtilage Author Interviews, Book Spotlight / Script Talk, Book Tours, Events, Giveaways, etc.
I hope you find what you looking for. I’m excited to have you.
Never stop Reading,
The Authors’ Curtilage Founder
That's a very professional introduction. I look forward to our future cooperation. In the process of answering your interesting questions, right now.