Friday, January 31, 2014

Publisher Updates

Hi friends, not sooner, do I wish to start helping with info from publishers currently accepting books. But because, of the author Sarah Baethge, whose book I'm featuring today, I've decided to share this information with all of you. She is presently seeking an agent for a six book series in which she currently have one book written.

This might be of help to Sarah, and to anyone of you also. Jaime Martinez has been a darling, linking me to Brian Grove. 

Lowa based Port Yonder Press are accepting fiction submissions during February. So now's your chance if you think your work might fit what they are looking for, have a look around their website: Port Yonder Press 

Peepal Tree Press Ltd are a small independent UK based publisher of Caribbean and black British literature - fiction, poetry, literary criticism, memoirs and historical studies. Peepal Tree Press rarely pays advances, but are a royalty paying traditional publisher. Have a look at their website. Submission details are here:  Peepal Tree Press Ltd 

Jasper Joffe of London, UK, based publisher Joffe Books are looking for "great new fiction authors", and are open for submissions. Joffe Books pays royalties based on a percentage of sales, and never asks its authors for up-front payments. Take a look at their website here: Jasper Joffe of London, UK

and see if your work might suit.

Lerner Publishing Group. Lerner is one of the largest independently owned children's book publishers in the USA, with a number of imprints and a backlist of over 5000 titles. The company publishes several children's fiction and non-fiction genres (see their website for details) and will consider relevant work submitted in accordance with their guidelines. Andrew assures me Lerner Publishing Group is a traditional publisher. They pay advances and royalties, and never ask authors for money. Details here:  Lerner Publishing Group

Brian Grove is the one with the direct contact with these publishers. He has put together a quick and easy guide to teach you how to approach publishers correctly and secure a book deal.
Have a look at it here and in particular his 75% discount offer today, also some free personal coaching/mentoring from him.

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